Yoga of Sound

Yoga of Sound

By Devinder Kaur Sound as a meditation technique has its origins in eras past. The original forms of this type of meditation date back to the ancient Egyptians and Greeks. The belief was that this type of practice could change a person’s wellness while improving their spirituality. Over the centuries, this technique has been used by various cultures around the world and is also a key part of different yoga and meditation practices. Through the practice, a person’s body is entirely engulfed by sound and vibrations. These minute movements can help shift a person’s mindset and allow them to enter a spiritual state. Sound bathing can include a range of instruments from singing bowls and drums to tuning forks and gongs. The instruments used depends on the type of session. There are many advantages–both physical and spiritual–that you can gain from this practice. Release emotionsMay help you manage painLower anxiety levelsChange your state of consciousnessElevate your spirit While there’s no single way to conduct a sound...
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Winter: Kapha Season

Winter: Kapha Season

"Ayurveda recognizes winter as a kapha season with strong vata undertones. It is characterized by cold weather, a sense of heaviness, increased moisture (usually in the form of rain or snow), cloud-covered days, and the grounded, slow feeling that sends many animals into hibernation. These are all qualities shared by kapha dosha, which is why winter is considered—primarily—a kapha season. However, if your climate is exceptionally cold and dry, or if you tend to feel more isolated during the winter months, vata will also be a strong component of your winter season, and you will want to actively keep vata placated as well. How to Create a Supportive Winter Diet Winter is actually the season when the digestive fire is strongest. The body requires more fuel to stay warm and healthy in the winter months, and the cold weather forces the fire principle deep into the core of the body—igniting the digestive capacity. Our bodies, therefore, crave a more substantial, nutritive diet at this time of...
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Yoga for Arthritis by Tracy Corneau

Yoga for Arthritis by Tracy Corneau

Yoga For Arthritis (YFA) You have likely heard the phrase: “I’m not flexible enough to do yoga”.  However, yoga also improves strength, balance, range of motion, and can lower levels of stress, anxiety and depression by contributing to better heart health and sleep. Yoga can be especially helpful for those living with a chronic illness. Background According to the Arthritis Society, 1 in 5 or 6 million Canadians are living with arthritis and as many as 25,000 children seek healthcare for arthritis.  Women are more likely than men to have arthritis.  It is Canada’s most common chronic disease for which there is currently no cure and by 2040, it is estimated that 50% more people will have arthritis. Leading Types of Arthritis The two leading forms of arthritis are Osteoarthritis (OA) and Rheumatoid arthritis (RA).  Osteoarthritis is traditionally viewed as wear and tear on the weight bearing joints such as the hips, spine and knees as well as in the hands, feet, ankles or neck. ...
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Ginger Cookie Recipe

Ginger Cookie Recipe

Always a hit and these make the house smell so amazing. Devinder's Mom, Josephine, baked these cookies for well over a decade for students to enjoy with tea after yoga class on Sundays. We're looking forward to bringing this tradition back to the Centre in 2023! Ingredients: 3/4 cup vegetable shortening or butter1 cup sugar2 eggs (or egg substitute)2 cups flour2 tsp baking soda1 tsp each ginger, cinnamon and clove1/4 cup molasses1/2 tsp salt Directions: Blend together shortening and sugar, then add eggs and molasses.Mix all dry ingredients together and slowly add it to the wet mix.Spoon into small balls and flatten on a cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees F for 10 to 12 minutes. ...
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Summertime Fun Savings is BACK!

Summertime Fun Savings is BACK!

Our annual Summertime Fun Savings is back! We're always so impressed how dedicated our yogis are through the Ottawa winter, that when it comes to summer, we want to help you maintain the benefits of a regular yoga practice for health and vibrancy through the warm months. That's why between NOW and August 31st, 2022, when you purchase a 10 or 20 class package, you'll receive some FREE yoga in the month of August. The class packages do not expire and the bonus classes are valid for use between August 1 to August 31st, 2022. Our Class Packages and the FREE August classes can be used for In-Person and Online Classes. When you purchase... A 10 class package = 5 free August classes. A 20 class package = 10 free August classes. You can purchase online or at the Centre, and your classes will be added to your account. It's a tremendous thing to get extra support in maintaining your practice! Yoga's a little like regular...
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950 Gladstone Ave. Opens December 27!

950 Gladstone Ave. Opens December 27!

Announcing our OPENING DATE! SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27! We’re happy to announce that PranaShanti Yoga Centre will open at 950 Gladstone Ave. on Sunday, December 27! As we wrap up construction and get ready to receive you, we will continue with our current Class Schedule and Wellness Appointments from our 45 Eccles Street location until December 23. We will be closed December 24, 25 and 26 for the holidays. December 27-30: We will offer our current Class Schedule of Interactive Live Stream Classes and In Person Classes plus Wellness Appointments all from 950 Gladstone Ave. December 31: Closed for New Year’s Eve. January 1: Open for 8 Specialty Classes to celebrate the New Year! January 2 and Onward: Open with our NEW and EXPANDED Class Schedule and wellness offerings. To learn more and stay up to date, keep an eye on our website and sign up for our newsletter at ...
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Celebrating 10 Years!

Celebrating 10 Years!

Greetings! Saturday, October 6th, will be our 10 Year Anniversary! We have a fabulous day and evening of celebrations planned as we honour serving the Ottawa Community. Drop in for a class or pop by to take in some of the celebration activities. On Saturday, October 6 enjoy: - A draw for a special celebration gift prize in every class (PranaShanti Class Card or Drop In Fee) - Add your message or a small memento to our 10 Anniversary Time Capsule (to be opened on our 20 Year Anniversary!) - a complimentary henna tattoo! - 10% off our 10, 20 and Annual Unlimited Class Packages - 1 pm to 4 pm - complimentary delicious snacks, beverages & treats - 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm - Celestial Sound Immersion Celebration with David Hickey (tickets available online or at the Centre) It's been a decade of truly inspiring connections. Thank you! Let's celebrate together and kick off another fabulous 10 years! Be well, Devinder Kaur...
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Beat the Winter Blues! 40-Day Yoga Challenge!

Beat the Winter Blues! 40-Day Yoga Challenge!

Beat the Winter Blues with the PranaShanti 40 Day Yoga Challenge!The Challenge runs from Friday, February 9, 2018 to Tuesday, March 20, 2018 The PranaShanti 40 Day Challenge is a commitment to attend yoga classes for 40 consecutive days. Yogic science confirms that it takes 40 days to fully develop a new life-promoting habit or to drop a current destructive habit. The PranaShanti 40 Day Challenge is a great way to strengthen the body, unburden the mind, and begin a daily commitment to yourself. In 40 days, you can create a whole new way of being. Start with any class on Friday, February 9! There are 3 optional group practice days! 1. Friday, February 9, 6 PM - 7:15 PM ~ Kick Off Classes Join us for our Kick Off classes. We’ll follow the classes with healthy snacks. This is a great opportunity to get to know your fellow participants so that you can encourage each other along the way. You’ll be seeing a lot...
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Why do Yoga Teacher Training?

Sometimes I'm asked by students, "why should someone do Yoga Teacher Training?" Here are some ideas to consider: 1. Yoga is about angles and triangles: If you want to understand the how's and why's of doing yoga postures well and safely, a teacher training is a great way to learn. 2. Test your physical limits: No matter your physical ability, you’ll explore your physical capabilities and try things you never thought you could do before. How empowering! 3. Yoga is more than just postures: While postures are a key component to the study of yoga, there is so much more. There is the history and lineage of yoga, yogic philosophy, western and yogic anatomy, sound/mantra, yogic diet and lifestyle, to name just a few. 4. Look inside yourself: Regardless of which style of training you choose, there is something to be said for focusing on your practice for a period of time. Through this focused attention, you may find feelings and emotions bubble up...
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Welcome to PranaShanti: The Home of Yoga in Ottawa!

Greetings, Namaste and Sat Naam, Welcome to the new PranaShanti Yoga Centre website.  I’m very excited to share it with you! We’ve been tirelessly working on this for some time now and we hope the results reflect this. The new website was designed to have a clear and uncluttered look which is easy to navigate. It focuses a lot more on content and experience to help you get to the information you need quickly and easily. We've also added blogs to the new website.  Our intention in adding blogs is simply to share and inspire. When we are inspired, we are full of life, and we can achieve our greatness.  Inspiration is what carries us forward and what picks us up when we fall. There will be many different blog contributors including some very special guest bloggers!  We all have something unique to share that can inspire another whether it is a story, an experience, insight, recipe or new found information.  The blogs will be...
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