It’s time for Summertime Fun Savings!

It’s time for Summertime Fun Savings!

We're always so impressed how dedicated our yogis are through the Ottawa winter, that when it comes to summer, we want to help you maintain the benefits of a regular yoga practice for health and vibrancy through the warm months. That's why between NOW and August 31st, 2024, when you purchase a 10 or 20 class package, you'll receive some FREE yoga in the month of August. The class packages do not expire and the bonus classes are valid for use between August 1 to August 31st, 2024. Our Class Packages and the FREE August classes can be used for In-Person and Online Classes. When you purchase... A 10 class package = 5 free August classes. A 20 class package = 10 free August classes. You can purchase online or at the Centre, and your classes will be added to your account. It's a tremendous thing to get extra support in maintaining your practice! Yoga's a little like regular tune ups and oil changes on your...
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Discovering the Path to Teaching

Discovering the Path to Teaching

Being a yoga teacher is more than poses. It's about guiding and inspiring others on their transformative journey. If you aspire to be a yoga teacher, here are some essential qualities to cultivate: 1️⃣ Dedication: Commit to personal practice. Continuously deepen your knowledge and refine your skills to provide authentic guidance to students. 2️⃣ Authenticity: Let your teaching reflect your genuine passion for yoga and create a space where students can connect with your authenticity. 3️⃣ Compassion: Create a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued. 4️⃣ Communication: Develop communication skills to clearly articulate instructions, provide meaningful feedback, and create dialogue. 5️⃣ Adaptability: Be open to different needs and abilities. Adjust your teaching to the challenges of the class to create an inclusive and accessible practice. 6️⃣ Continuous Learning: Never stop learning. Explore diverse yoga styles, attend workshops and trainings to expand your knowledge and keep your teaching fresh. 7️⃣ Mindfulness: Cultivate presence and mindfulness. Lead...
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Summer: Pitta Season

Summer: Pitta Season

"Because summer is pitta season, your primary focus in the summer months will naturally be to keep pitta under control, but you’ll want to have a close eye on supporting healthy vata by countering excessive lightness, dryness, sharp intensity, subtlety, and mobility as well. Foods to Favor Focus on eating summer foods that are good for both vata and pitta: apples, coconut, dates, figs, melons, prunes and soaked raisins, asparagus, cucumbers, green beans, cooked leeks, okra, parsnips, sweet potatoes, summer squash, zucchini, kidney beans, mung beans, soft cheeses, cottage cheese, cow’s or goat’s milk, yogurt, amaranth, cooked oats, quinoa, white rice, and wheat. If you enjoy salad or raw vegetables, consider a lightly sautéed salad, blanched vegetables, and lubricate your greens with a generous amount of olive oil, sunflower oil, or ghee. Also consider some mild spices like fresh ginger, cardamom, clove, coriander, cumin, and turmeric to keep your digestive fire healthy. Acceptable Seasonal Indulgences Sweets are cooling, nourishing, and calming to both vata and pitta, so...
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Ginger Cookie Recipe

Ginger Cookie Recipe

Always a hit and these make the house smell so amazing. Devinder's Mom, Josephine, baked these cookies for well over a decade for students to enjoy with tea after yoga class on Sundays. We're looking forward to bringing this tradition back to the Centre in 2023! Ingredients: 3/4 cup vegetable shortening or butter1 cup sugar2 eggs (or egg substitute)2 cups flour2 tsp baking soda1 tsp each ginger, cinnamon and clove1/4 cup molasses1/2 tsp salt Directions: Blend together shortening and sugar, then add eggs and molasses.Mix all dry ingredients together and slowly add it to the wet mix.Spoon into small balls and flatten on a cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees F for 10 to 12 minutes. ...
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Our 5th Anniversary!

Our 5th Anniversary!

Sunday, October 6th, 2013, an auspicious day and a day to celebrate PranaShanti Yoga Centre's 5 year anniversary! Ottawa's Yogis and Yoginis celebrated in grand style with an opening meditation for gratitude by Devinder Kaur, Director, live music by Galitcha, a Children's Party with Jamie Reardon, beautiful henna tattoos as a take home reminder of the night, delicious appetizers and drinks by Chef Caroline Ishii, a flowing chocolate fountain and some high stepping Bollywood Dancing fun! A very special thank you to everyone who has made each year filled with joy. We look forward to many more celebrations with YOU! Be well, Devinder Kaur    ...
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Visiting a Yoga Studio for the First Time

Visiting a Yoga Studio for the First Time

What to expect when you come to a yoga studio for the first time You have taken a courageous step in just coming to a yoga studio. I recall being quite intimated when I visited a yoga space for the first time. I want to set out what you can expect so that you can relax and enjoy the experience. I wished I had someone explain things when I first started practicing five years ago. My wife convinced me to try a men’s only yoga class. I had fallen off my horse and injured my ankle. I hobbling around in pain for a year. Perhaps yoga could help me. During my first class we did a pose called “Tree Pose”. It involves standing on one foot. I couldn’t keep my weight on my ankle for more than two seconds. Because of yoga, my ankle has steadily improved to the point now where I have no issues with it. This was my first evidence...
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