“Learning to be present with yourself and to abide in that which is steady and comfortable does not allow space for self-judgment. When you live this way, you are practicing yoga: you are living fully.”
– Judith Hanson Lasater
We believe that in learning, there is life, and in self-discovery, there is growth which allows us to shed the practices and beliefs that no longer serve us. We aim to offer everyone the opportunity to know themselves better through comprehensive programs that serve the personal journey and the professional one. 
We invite you to join us for courses and trainings that are open to practitioners of all levels of experience. 
Online Courses & Trainings
Study with us from the comfort of your own home. 
Online Community
Join a global community of teachers and students in the exploration of yogic teachings. 
In-Person Courses & Trainings
Attend in-person courses and trainings at the PranaShanti Education Centre in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Upcoming COURSES & events

Date / Time: September 6, 2024 to September 8, 2024
Friday:  6 pm ET – 9 pm ET
Saturday and Sunday: 9:30 am ET – 5 pm ET each day
Instructor: Max Strom
Breathe to Heal Seminar
This 15-hour seminar is an opportunity for transformation. Step into a space that is designed for you to safely dive deep within yourself, to heal any wounds life has left you with and to tend to scars of struggles you’ve overcome.

Divided over 3 days you’ll be presented with a balanced program of lecture, writing, breathing and movement. The aim is for you to reconnect with yourself on a deep level, to reconcile with events in the past, to explore your direction in life and to learn techniques that will help you immediately to manage stress, anxiety and depression.

The added value to this in-person course is that besides the personal journey you’ll be on, experiencing this work as a group creates a supportive community. You are not alone.

For people from all levels of fitness and walks of life suffering from extreme stress. No previous experience necessary. The Breathe to Heal seminar is also extremely useful for medical practitioners, therapists, and yoga teachers who want to incorporate this work into their healing repertoire.

Click to learn more or to register

Date / Time: September 14, 2024
Saturday: 10 am ET – 5 pm ET
Instructor: Sue
Teaching Yoga and Mindfulness to Children
For Parents, Caregivers, Teachers, Yoga Teachers and Yoga Students!
“Teach your children meditation. It will help them learn to cope with life’s challenges in a peaceful and constructive way, fostering a more harmonious world for generations to come.” – Deepak Chopra
In today’s fast-paced world, our children are often overwhelmed by school pressures, constant connectivity, and busy schedules. This can take a toll on their mental well-being and sense of happiness.
But there’s hope! Research shows that introducing children to Yoga and Mindfulness can have a profound impact on their mental health and overall happiness.  These practices help alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression while improving concentration, self-esteem, and empathy.

This course is designed to equip parents, caregivers, educators, and anyone working with children with the tools and techniques to bring Yoga and Mindfulness into children’s lives in a fun and engaging way!

Click to learn more or to register

Date / Time: October 1 & October 8, 2024
Tuesdays (2):  6 pm ET – 9 pm ET
Instructor: Michael
Introduction to Sanskrit: The Sacred Language of Yoga

The Sanskrit language has a power like no other. Each word creates a specific vibration in the mind which is the essence of that word. Using Sanskrit terms in your class will resonate directly with the students on a level that is beyond the physical senses. Incorporating Sanskrit into your classes can be as simple as adding the names of a few postures to exploring philosophy with several terms.

In this course you will gain familiarity with the Sanskrit language through study of common words, pronunciations and common mispronunciations. Learn how to use potentially unfamiliar words with grace and smoothness to help students gain further understanding of the practice. We will explore the alphabet, its design and how it is written in the roman alphabet. Like this it will be easier to create the proper pronunciation as you read words and texts in transliterated Sanskrit.

The course will explore how to incorporate Sanskrit words into the theme of your class. This allows students to learn more words and also concepts that can deepen their practice. For example, how to use ahimsa or viveka as a theme that can carry through a class. Sanskrit Mantras: Om and beyond. We will learn several mantras, their meanings, stories and how to incorporate them into a class.

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Date / Time: October 4, 2024 to October 6, 2024
Friday:  6:30 pm ET – 9 pm ET
Saturday and Sunday: 10 am ET – 5 pm ET each day
Instructor: Devinder
Yoga Nidra Training

Yoga Nidra, or yogic sleep, is a type of meditation based on the ancient yogic anatomy of the Koshas, the 5 subtle bodies. Sometimes described as a long savasana, it is actually a combination of deep body relaxation and mental awareness.

Yoga Nidra is a quiet journey inward to stillness that transforms and releases old habits, fatigue, worry, and stress. Yoga Nidra is a technique for physical rejuvenation, mental relaxation, spiritual growth, and overall wellness.

This training is for those who would like to offer students the opportunity to experience a systematic method of conscious relaxation. Yoga Nidra has been found to be effective in treating many of the physical symptoms of stress, including insomnia, anxiety, and depression. It is also helpful in the treatment of PTSD and addictions.

During our weekend together, we will:

  • Explore the science, philosophy and practice of Yoga Nidra.
  • Gain a solid understanding of how this practice can assist different populations.
  • Learn how to practically present Yoga Nidra sessions in both group and individualized settings.

This introductory course is suitable for all Yoga students, Yoga Teachers, wellness instructors, mental health counselors, doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists, and other health care professionals.

Click to learn more or to register

Date / Time: October 22, 2024 to November 19, 2024
Tuesdays:  6 pm ET – 9 pm ET
Instructor: Stephanie
Advanced Anatomy, Physiology and Biomechanics

For ALL Yoga Teachers and Students!
Familiarity with how our bodies are put together, how their different systems function, and the mechanics of how they move can deepen our understanding of how to practice yoga safely, effectively, and efficiently.
Learning anatomy, biomechanics and physiology can help us prevent injury, maintain a healthy, mobile body over our lifetime, and become more effective yoga teachers.

Click to learn more or to register

Date / Time: October 25-27, 2024
Friday:  6 pm ET – 9 pm ET
Saturday and Sunday: 10 am ET – 5 pm ET each day
Instructor: Sonia
Principles and Practices of Ayurveda

Unlock the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and integrate it into your modern lifestyle for enhanced well-being and vitality!

Join Sonia for a comprehensive 20-hour course that will empower you with the knowledge and tools to harmonize your mind, body, and soul.

Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or new to the practice, this course is designed to help you discover and bring the ancient principles and practices of Ayurveda into your daily life.

Click to learn more or to register

Date / Time: November 1-3, 2024
Friday:  6 pm ET – 9 pm ET
Saturday and Sunday: 9 am ET – 5 pm ET each day
Instructor: Melissa
Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga

Yoga can offer amazing benefits for pregnancy, labour and parenthood. However, there are important things that yoga teachers and practitioners need to know!

This comprehensive training weekend is open to anyone interested in working with this population, including yoga teachers, fitness instructors, doulas and other health professionals, as well as parents-to-be. We will look at practices for each stage of the pre & post-natal journey, including fertility, pregnancy and labour, postpartum recovery, and pregnancy loss. 

By taking this training, you are not only “teaching yoga”, you are helping people with their pregnancy and aiding in their recovery!

Click to learn more or to register

Date / Time: November 14-17, 2024
Thursday: 3 pm ET  to Sunday 1 pm ET
Instructor: Devinder
PranaShanti Fall Yoga & Meditation Retreat

Connect with nature and unplug!

Absorb yourself in daily yoga practice and dive within through meditation, movement and healing sound vibrations. The weekend includes healthy meals, cozy accommodations, wood fired sauna, time in nature, yoga, meditation and evening symphonic sound immersions.

Click to learn more or to register

Date / Time: November 29, 2024 – December 1, 2024
Friday and Saturday:  9 am ET – 5 pm ET
Sunday: 9 am ET – 3 pm ET
Instructor: Devinder
Meditation Training

“Meditation: Because some answers can only be found on the Inner net.” – Shira Tamir
Meditation is one of the most natural and rewarding of all human activities. It brings balance, rest, and a growing inner peace. While its highest and original purpose is to help us awaken our inner, spiritual nature, the benefits to body and mind are well established by medical research.
Practiced on a daily basis, meditation produces profound results on all levels of your being—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It connects you with your own inner powers of vitality, clarity, and peace.
Join, PranaShanti Yoga Centre Director, Devinder Kaur, for an introductory course to learn more about the powerful affects of meditation and how to teach simple and effective meditation techniques to others.