Make a Difference in Lives of Children! – The Awesome World of Kids Yoga.
By Victoria Lynes
After teaching my first couple of Yoga classes to kids almost a decade ago, and watching them close their eyes and practice calming breath work - that was it - I was hooked! I knew there was a gap here that I wanted to fill.
“Namaste Miss Victoria!”
Bright, smiling eyes. Tight knee and belly hugs from the kinders. High 5's from the older kids.
This is the reception I often receive when I arrive each week to teach at one of my public or private schools. I adore teaching Yoga and Mindfulness to children,whether they are classes for toddlers or young teens. Children need these tools now more than ever,especially in this world of hyper connectivity and “on-line, all the time” culture that they are being raised in.
Many people ask me how to get started with kids yoga. There are many different approaches. But if there...
Minecraft and Mindfulness - Navigating our kids through the digital world and how yoga and mindfulness can help.
By Victoria Lynes, Certified Children's Yoga Teacher and Mindfulness Educator
Maybe you have you heard the latest catchphrase in regards to kids and technology? “Digital Heroin”. Whoa. It’s a harsh term. Very scary if you are a parent watching your child loose themselves in cyberspace…and it plays into our parental guilt and fear.
Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, used this terminology recently in his article that went viral last summer from the New York Post, titled ‘It’s ‘digital heroin’: How screens turn kids into psychotic junkies’. The article suggests that, “iPads, smartphones and Xboxes are a form of digital drug. Recent brain imaging research is showing that they affect the brain’s frontal cortex — which controls executive functioning, including impulse control — in exactly the same way that cocaine does. Technology is so hyper-arousing that it raises dopamine levels — the feel-good neurotransmitter most involved in the addiction dynamic.” ...
“Here comes Yoga! Hi Yoga! Yay ... it’s Yoga!”
Bright, smiling eyes. Tight knee hugs. Tiny high 5's. Occasionally I will get an Anjali mudra greeting coupled with an enthusiastic "Mum-aste!" This is the reception I receive each week at a local Montessori school. These are the voices of toddlers, precious souls around two years old who know my name, I'm sure of it, but to them I'm just "Yoga". Big boots to fill!
I teach to all ages, but my children’s classes, whether they are for toddlers or young teens, are the highlight of my week. Children derive huge benefits from yoga. Physically, it enhances their flexibility, strength, coordination, and body awareness. In addition, their concentration and sense of calm and relaxation improves. Yoga calms down their highly stimulated central nervous systems, which in turn allows better concentration on schoolwork and other activities.
By practicing yoga, children exercise, play, connect more deeply with their inner life of motivations and emotions, and develop an...