Running from Rishikesh: A Western Kundalini Yogi in India’s Yoga Capital – by Victoria Lynes

Running from Rishikesh: A Western Kundalini Yogi in India’s Yoga Capital – by Victoria Lynes

This time last year, my sons (then 9 and 12) and I were making our final preparations for a 5 month journey around the world, one month of that time to be spent in India. I wrote a weekly blog while we were away, but since returning, even though my mind will often take me back to India’s sights and smells, I have not written about her at all. I am not sure why. Those 29 days are still seeping into my consciousness, and with all things India, I often find it difficult to describe my experience. Certain images will show up unexpectedly, scenes as contrasting as the country itself. Pictures of a quiet camel ride into the Thar Desert will be overtaken with memories of being practically swarmed upon as we boarded a local train in an incredibly hot and dry Rajasthan. Then come images of grand palaces and glittering ornamentation, followed by scenes of mutilated children begging in...
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Cultivating Patience with Yoga – by Elissar Hanna

“Adopt the pace of nature...her secret is patience.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Have you ever encountered a situation in your life where you wanted things to move just a little bit faster? Where you’re thinking, “could someone please extract me from this moment and take me to the future? It’s really painful right here... please?”   I’ve definitely experienced that pain at times in my life. But interestingly enough, my yoga practice is one place where I don’t feel that pressure. Somehow, as a kindness from the Universe, the practice thus far, has been a chance for me to just be in the moment and take care of the places in my body/soul where healing is needed. My yoga practice is a place where I have no vested interest except to be sincere, to be present with the Divine and to listen attentively to my body and breath. I believe it is this lack of attachment to outcome that opens the door...
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Meet Devinder Kaur, the woman behind PranaShanti

At PranaShanti Yoga Centre, we provide the space for many approaches and lineages of yoga to thrive. At the centre of that vision is one woman: PranaShanti’s owner and lead trainer, Devinder Kaur. In her own words, Devinder explains how she opened PranaShanti with a vision for high quality practice and education in yoga and meditation. Five years later, that vision is realized as the centre has grown into Ottawa's premiere yoga destination. Locals come here to cultivate wellness in their lives, and international teachers make a point on their tours to visit and share their wisdom....
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Happy Family Day…FREE Classes for Family Members on Monday, February 17!

Happy Family Day…FREE Classes for Family Members on Monday, February 17!

Spread love with YOGA this Family Day! FREE Classes for family members all day on Monday, February 17th, 2014. If you're a package holder at PranaShanti, bring along a family member on Monday for a FREE class. As long as your family member does not currently have a class package with us, they can enjoy a class for FREE! WHEN: Monday, February 17th, all day and all classes. DETAILS: Your guest may be new to us or a student who has been here before as long as they do not have a current class package. Limit 1 family member per package holder. Please check in at the Reception Desk when you arrive! ...
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Get the Glow in 2014. Start with Hot Yoga 101 on Sunday, January 26.

Get the Glow in 2014. Start with Hot Yoga 101 on Sunday, January 26.

Those who love hot yoga know there are many benefits, including muscle toning; stress reduction and increased vitality; weight loss; reduction of muscle and joint pain; flexibility and mobility, and strength. In particular, hot yoga helps you to detox by sweating out toxins from your skin. Thus the amazing inner and outer glow of the students coming out after a hot yoga class. If you’ve never tried hot yoga. If you’re not sure how to start. If you’ve tried it but were not prepared and intimidated. The Hot Yoga 101 workshop on Sunday, January 26 at PranaShanti is for you! Or, if you love hot yoga and want to share your passion, here’s a safe and fun way for your friends and family members to start. To encourage you to try the hot side, the Hot 101 workshop includes a mat rental, 2 free class passes with 2 mat rentals, a PranaShanti tote bag, plus a handout on Hot Yoga for you...
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Why do Yoga Teacher Training?

Sometimes I'm asked by students, "why should someone do Yoga Teacher Training?" Here are some ideas to consider: 1. Yoga is about angles and triangles: If you want to understand the how's and why's of doing yoga postures well and safely, a teacher training is a great way to learn. 2. Test your physical limits: No matter your physical ability, you’ll explore your physical capabilities and try things you never thought you could do before. How empowering! 3. Yoga is more than just postures: While postures are a key component to the study of yoga, there is so much more. There is the history and lineage of yoga, yogic philosophy, western and yogic anatomy, sound/mantra, yogic diet and lifestyle, to name just a few. 4. Look inside yourself: Regardless of which style of training you choose, there is something to be said for focusing on your practice for a period of time. Through this focused attention, you may find feelings and emotions bubble up...
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Winter Solstice Food Bank Fundraiser – Bringing Love and Light to our Community.

Winter Solstice Food Bank Fundraiser – Bringing Love and Light to our Community.

For the past five years, PranaShanti has celebrated the Winter Solstice with a special fundraising event to help those in need in our community. This year, the event takes place on Friday December 20 from 7 pm to 9:30 pm and all the proceeds from the event will be donated to the Ottawa Food Bank. The Food Bank serves monthly 40,000 Ottawa residents, 40% of which are children, who are struggling with hunger. The Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year and one that is honoured by many as a sacred and rich time. Often it is thought as the dying of one year and the promise of a new beginning. Since ancient times, to counteract the season’s reminder of mortality, communities have come together at Winter Solstice to celebrate, have fun, and call back the Sun by gathering around a fire or setting out candles. Along this theme, I have hired a professional cast of actors from Eddie May...
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Meet our Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Lead Trainer

Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Interview with Laurie Howe Caroline Ishii recently had the opportunity to have a cup of tea and a conversation with PranaShanti Yoga Centre Teacher Laurie Howe. Laurie is the Lead Trainer for the centre’s 200-hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training programs. Where were you born? I was born in Ottawa, Ontario. How did you start out in yoga? I was one of those reluctant yogis. I was dragged by a friend back in 1988. It was really different then. There were no yoga centres back then. It took me about three times until I fully came to yoga, it would start to work and then I got busy. How did you come to do your yoga teacher training? I wanted to do something different. I came to a crossroads in my life and I realized how much the yoga asana practice had changed my life and I wanted to be able to bring that to other people. So, I took a year off from...
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