Friday: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm ET
Saturday and Sunday: 9 am – 6 pm ET
Instructor: devinder, dev suroop and madhur-nain
Location: oNLINE
For ALL Yoga Teachers and Students!
Program Outline

Dates and Times
- Journey 1: Crystallize the Self — September 17-18-19, 2021 with Devinder
- Journey 2: Express the Self — October 15-16-17, 2021 with Dev Suroop
- Journey 3: Transcend the Self — November 12-13-14, 2021 with Madhur-Nain
- Fridays: 6:30 pm ET to 8:30 pm ET provides an introduction to each weekend for context, a kriya and/or meditation, and time for questions and discussion.
- Saturdays and Sundays: 9 am ET to 6 pm ET each day consists of practicing 7 stages of meditation each weekend for a total of 21 stages.
Study Group Meetings
For community connection and continuity a Study Group meeting will be scheduled between each weekend session. Study Groups are welcome to meet more than 1 time between each weekend. An optional Online Study Group meeting with the trainers will also be available between each weekend session.
This course is open to general public. 6 months to 1 year of regular yoga practice is recommended for participation.
This course is part of the Level Three Certification within The Aquarian Teacher™ Training Program and qualifies for Continuing Education Units with Yoga Alliance.
Devinder – Owner and Director of PranaShanti Yoga Centre, Teacher Trainer
Dev Suroop – Professional Musician, Teacher Trainer
Madhur-Nain – Author of “The Stressless Brain“, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Teacher Trainer