10 GREAT reasons to do your Teacher Training at PranaShanti!
10. A Spacious Centre
Our Centre has four practice Studios, which means that Teacher Training is always in the largest space reserved just for trainings. The consistency and preparation of a space makes training a comfortable experience! You’ll always have the kitchen available to you so you can bring your own food to prepare, and there’s no moving around to other spaces to accommodate classes.
9. We’re Well Equipped
We’re really equipped because of the diversity of trainings and classes we host! Whether you want to teach Hot Yoga or Restorative Yoga in the future, your Teacher Training will have many yoga props so you can be supported in your training and learn the full spectrum of how to support yoga students.
8. In A Great Neighbourhood
Enjoy free parking evenings and weekends, so if you’re not locking your bike up outside, you don’t need to fuss with parking tickets. There are two vegan restaurants, two locally owned coffee shops, a new deli café, a classic breakfast spot, the best donuts in Canada, and other restaurants all within two blocks of us. We’ve been in Hintonburg for eight years as of October, 2016, and we’re loving it!
7. We’re HRSDC Registered
Via the HRSDC and CRA, you can claim your teacher training at PranaShanti on your annual income taxes with a T2202A! We’ve gone through the paperwork and approval process to ensure that our training meets the criteria as enhancing and providing skills for the workforce.
6. Yoga Alliance
Trainings at PranaShanti are registered with Yoga Alliance, so you know our curriculum is approved and up to date with Yoga Alliance 200 hour and 300 hour educational standards. At the completion of your training, you can register with them to obtain the RYT designation managed only by Yoga Alliance.
5. Training Hours
PranaShanti offers the most training hours in the Ottawa area. The hours of your Teacher Training are in lecture and workshop, with our trainers, in the Centre, and attending classes is only a small component of your training journey. That way you get the deeper yoga education you deserve out of training time.
4. Experience
Which is a great thing in a variety of ways! We’ve hosted dozens of teacher trainings at PranaShanti at all levels of yogic education. Our lead trainers have done this many times, and you’ll benefit from their tremendous experience and enthusiasm. You’ll also love how organized and on point our administration is with all the details of your training. We stay on top of the details so you can enjoy your training time with the utmost confidence.
3. Holistic Training
No matter the reason you want to pursue your yoga education, you’ll be best prepared to move forward after your training if you get the “Big Picture” of yoga. Our trainers and staff are devoted yogis who embrace all aspects of the yoga path and are excited to share that with you.
2. Kind and Intelligent Students
Our student body at PranaShanti is comprised of a diversity of yogis with a few shared traits: they are curious, kind and intelligent people. Our trainings have a diversity of perspectives and experience that make for a much richer conversation in the training process. You will form an enthusiastic and bonded yoga community before the end of your training and may not have met elsewhere!
1. We Are Here for You in the Future!
Whether you decide to teach here or return in the future for a continuing education weekend, PranaShanti will always be a special place for you where you did great work that changed your life. We love staying in touch with our Alumni and reach out to share opportunities and news with you, because no matter where life leads you, we’re grateful we got to be a special part of your journey.

Is there Kundalini Yoga teacher training offered? If yes, are there any pre-requisites? Also, when does it start and how much is it? Does the scholarship program apply to it as well?
Love and Grace,
Hello Deborah, thank you for your comment. Yes, we offer Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training. Our next program begins in October 2017. The Scholarship Program applies to it also.
Here are the links to more details:
Kundalini Level 1 Teacher Training
Scholarship Program
Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Be well,