Becoming a Resilient Person
1-Day Stress Management Course
Monday, January 18, 2021
Everyone experiences stress at some level, whether it’s the pressure to perform in school or work, relationship issues, financial concerns, or simply a lot to do in a short amount of time. The good news - resiliency to stress can be learned!
All stress isn’t bad, but chronic stress can take its toll on our minds, bodies, and how we behave. Chronic stress causes an activation of your body’s stress-response system. The overexposure to cortisol and other stress hormones can increase the risk of obesity, insomnia, digestive problems, heart disease, depression, burn out, fatigue, memory impairment, and physical illness. It is important to recognize the signs of when we are distress.
Stress can be managed and research has shown that people we can learn and use specific resilience skills and positive routines to better manage stress, to bounce back quicker after a setback, to be more effective in our careers, to develop...