Writing to Write by Jessie Carson
Have you ever wanted to start (or re-start) a writing practice and just can’t seem to make it happen? Maybe you think you don’t have the time or you don’t think it’s productive or that there is no benefit unless you publish. Those roadblocks along with many other myths are just some of the excuses we tell ourselves to keep us from creating and reaping the benefits that come from a creative practice.
Writing for no other purpose but ‘to write’ can be a helpful thing to do during times of uncertainty. It is a simple practice where writing for as short a time as three minutes can be beneficial after one session. While there are no guarantees, writing often helps people make sense of things going on in their lives. Writing can also help with processing and coping.
No matter what ‘purpose’ we have for writing, many people know that writing can be settling and comforting. Franz Kafka, a writer of...