By Kate Durie
Let’s be brutally honest, I never EVER thought I would be trading in suits, offices, and 4-inch pumps, for lulu pants, a yoga mat, and flip-flops. Never.
But let’s be clear, The Desire Map isn’t about quitting your day job, blowing up your world, or glorifying entrepreneurial life. It’s about figuring out YOU and how you truly, actually, want to feel. In every area of your life. Then making it happen.
Then making it happen (and this is big), means learning how to generate those feelings through the choices you make on the daily; doing what it takes, to feel that way. On your terms. From the seemingly mundane everyday tasks, to those big luscious, dreamy goals.
THE DRIVING FORCE – a feeling?
Once you’ve gone in, “done the work” {aka LEVEL 1} and know what your Core Desired Feelings are, the shift begins. You start seeing, creating, and aligning meaning + purpose around things you may never have noticed before, completely shifting your relationship with things, people, pursuits, and experiences.
Behind every thought, every word, every action, every goal is a desire to FEEL a certain way. It’s as simple and as complicated as that. And it’s completely unique to you.
To help you understand why this material is so powerful, I’d like to give you a little peek into “old kate”, through this gift, this lens, we call hindsight.
I was best described as a workaholic, perfectionist, type A, over achiever. Whatever it was, it was never enough.
Passionate, absolutely. High performance, you bet.
Content, not even close.
Only now can I see that I was on achievement auto-pilot. All pressure and proving. No awareness of what was driving the behaviour. And like any addict, over time it took more and more to get the same “high”, and the highs were less and less fulfilling. Not to mention I barely stopped long enough to acknowledge one.
All my value, my self-worth was tied up in things “out there”, outside of me. I had lost the connection TO ME, the whole me, “in here”.
So, on January 20th, 2011 when I fell down a flight of stairs and suffered a serious Traumatic Brain Injury, I was pretty certain I had lost it all. That it was over. That I was over. Everything I valued was gone. What was left?
For a time, surviving didn’t feel like much of a gift. I was convinced that my life as I knew it was over {side bar: which in a way it was, and thank god! That said, it took me many years to get here, to feel this way}.
Here’s how I saw it at the time – if I couldn’t do that big job, climb the ranks, build a family, work crazy hours, make the big bucks, volunteer on boards AND do piles of extra curricular activities … I was a waste. I was a failure. I was broken. And what was the point.
When in fact, I had lost the whole point.
“You have seen my decent. Now watch me rise.” – Rumi
I had to shatter into a million pieces in order to wake-up. That was MY process. I didn’t hear the whisper, the call, or even the scream. I had to literally be smacked up side the head to wake up.
To make a very long story short, after years of rehab and every therapy you can think of, a lot of which continues to this day, I have been reborn. As me.
Like the caterpillar, I went into a cocoon, turned into goo, and through the miraculous human metamorphosis process. I underwent a massive transformation. Slowly, but surely, growing into my butterfly life.
The process of waking up. The process of designing and building and creating a LIFE LIVED. ON PURPOSE. WITH PURPOSE. Doesn’t actually have a lot to do with becoming someone new. But has everything to do with becoming YOU. It’s more of a remembering, an opening, an allowing, a coming home.
The caterpillar was always destined to become a butterfly. Just as we are destined to grow into who we really are.
It’s just not outlined in a textbook, and the cocoon process for humans doesn’t look quite the same from person to person.
This magical toolkit began unfolding, in seemingly mysterious ways, over many years. I couldn’t have predicted, prepared for, or even dreamed up how this all unraveled. Life is not a straight line, but man, am I up for the ride.
Between Yoga {capital Y yoga, which includes Meditation and so much more}, h’Art, and The Desire Map I found the clarity I was looking for. The tools I was looking for. I found peace in the process. The Desire Map helped me to unravel the layers, and ultimately to figure out how I most want to feel, to feel the way I most want to feel – in a way that is wholly liberating, nourishing, empowering, and loving.
No more pressure. No more proving. And a whole lot more living.
Today, I am determined to share what I’ve learned, to help others::
1. Prevent the fall / hitting rock bottom (literally or metaphorically), or
2. Navigate their own metamorphosis process, their own rising, their own transformation, at whatever stage they are at, and
3. Feel good in the process! To take your life back.
Together, we will embrace the clarity, truth, and liberation that comes when you tap into the driving force behind all your choices: How you want to feel.
Two of the big game changers for me, which are fundamental to The Desire Map process are::
- Feeling good is the whole point. Can you give yourself permission to make feeling good your primary intention?
- The journey should feel as good as (we hope) the destination will feel. Can you create a soul-nourishing, life-affirming (not soul-depleting) relationship with the pursuit of what you want?
Does this resonate? Does this stir up your mind, heart, body and/or soul at some level, at any level?
If your answer is yes, then I invite you to join me on this journey. The journey of a lifetime. Which, trust me, is elevated to the highest of heights when we go through it together. There is massive power in the collective experience.
Essentially The Desire Map brings living to life.
It unlocks your aliveness.
And is entirely liberating.
I wholeheartedly believe in living. Living life as a verb.
Life lived. On purpose. With Purpose.
At the heart of this, the whole point really, is feeling good.
Fully embodied. Aligning mind & body. Heart & Soul. Whole. Integrated. Resonating. Together.
On breath. One moment. One choice at a time.
This is Yoga after all. A match made in heaven.
What a magical brew.
The choice is up to you. I would be honoured to be your guide!
Kate will be offering the Desire Map + Yoga {level 1} Urban Retreat at PranaShanti September 9-11, 2017.
SAVE with the early bird price until August 9th! Learn more HERE!
Hello Kate, i am only seeing the information now about the desire map yoga retreat you held in september. Do you have other upcoming activities relates to this? If so id love to be informed. Thanks!
Hello Dominique. Kate’s next Desire Map event is in January. Here is the link: Desire Map Urban Retreat 2017
Be well,
Devinder Kaur, Director