My Ottawa Yoga Story: Rebekka Cook
How did you get started in yoga?
As a child I was a gymnast, so flexibility was always part of my life. After being injured in my teens I was searching for something else. After several "failed" attempts of team sports (soccer, volleyball, baseball) my Mom brought me to her Yoga class, I remember thinking "this is for people my moms age and older!" However during that class something happened, something I cant explain I just felt "it".
What does yoga mean to you in your life today?
To me yoga is more than these fancy arm balance pretzel poses. It is something you take with you off your mat day to day. I acknowledge that I am not a perfect human and at times show colours of anger, frustration, sadness, anxiety etc. I then remind myself it is a practice, and I have tools (such as my breath) to help ease these emotional states.
What is your favourite type of yoga and why?