This is a guest post from PranaShanti Yoga Teacher Jen Gillean, a Prenatal Yoga instructor.

Jennifer Gillean, Prenatal Yoga Instructor

It is no surprise that many women are drawn to yoga practice during their pregnancies. Most of us now know that yoga means union or connection to the universe through our physical being.  And most pregnant women would agree that this is what they feel is happening as nature takes the driver’s seat in their body.  I mean think about it, each day a pregnant woman wakes up to find a stranger eating her food and literally claiming VIP status in her body!  And yet, society expects pregnant women to “keep up” with the rest of us in this crazy, busy world.

In just 9 months, women must wrap their minds not only around what is happening to their body but also to prepare for their new role as mothers.  Pregnancy is often a time to reflect on the types of values with which to raise your child.  Which parts of your childhood are you inspired to reconstruct and of which other parts must we let go in order to parent from a place of love?

A lot of women find themselves developing their voice during their pregnancies.  Setting healthy boundaries as well as communicating their desires and needs to the people around them can sap so much energy, yet it is such an essential part of becoming a mother.

As a mother, you are your child’s advocate, you’re always looking out for your child’s best interest and eventually, you’ll be teaching them to navigate the world on their own.  This complex and evolving role starts in pregnancy, when you are making decisions about how you are going to provide for yourself as a mother, and how you’ll provide all forms of care for your baby.


Although books and blogs are helpful in guiding the way to voicing your mind and heart’s intentions, birth, which is a beautiful rite of passage, is ultimately about surrendering to nature while using your breath to ground yourself in your body and open yourself to new life.  Whether the expectant mothers wish for a transformational birth experience or whether they simply want to prepare physically for labour, this prenatal yoga series is a valuable tool.  This series will give women space to observe the incredible changes taking place around their pregnancy, allow them to connect with their baby, and enable them to build their sense of community with other moms-to-be.

On January 24, 2016, join the PranaShanti Prenatal Yoga Series and prepare your body, mind and heart to welcome your child.


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